South Dakota Signs “Help Not Harm” Bill, Restricting Gender-Affirming Care for Minors

South Dakota recently signed the “Help Not Harm” bill… making it the 6th state to restrict gender-affirming care for minors. The bill bans medical procedures such as:

  • Puberty blockers
  • Hormone therapy
  • Surgery for minors who experience gender dysphoria

This measure makes exceptions for intersex infants and conditions unrelated to gender dysphoria.

South Dakota Becomes the 6th State to Ban Gender-Affirming Care

The “Help Not Harm” bill seeks to protect minors… from what it describes as harmful and permanent medical procedures. Healthcare providers who violate this law risk losing their medical licenses. Minors who receive medical care in violation of the law can sue providers until they turn 25.

Over the years, South Dakota has been a testing ground for legislation targeting trans people… 

In 2016, the state passed a school “bathroom bill.” It requires students to use facilities corresponding to their assigned sex at birth—however, the then-Gov. Dennis Daugaard ultimately vetoed the measure. In 2020, the state was the first to pass a gender-affirming care ban, failing to pass a Senate committee. 

The “Help Not Harm” bill has been protested by many trans youths… as well as their families and allies, with over 400 South Dakotans marching in protest.

Many medical organizations support gender-affirming care for minors, including the: 

  • American Medical Association
  • American Academy of Pediatrics
  • American Psychological Association

However, lawmakers in 24 states, including South Dakota… have introduced legislation restricting transition-related care for minors this year. While some groups criticize the new law… supporters argue that it protects children from potentially harmful medical procedures.

Gov. Kristi Noem Sued by Transgender Group

The Transformation Project is a group that advocates for transgender rights. They are suing our patriot leaders for discrimination, namely: 

This happened after Noem canceled the group’s contract… which caused the loss of a $136,000 grant from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

The cancellation was due to concerns about the group’s radical ideas. Specifically, after a healthcare provider hosted a summit that included sessions on: 

  • “Transgender Cultural Competency” 
  • “Learning to Address Implicit Bias Towards LGBTQ+ & 2S Patients”

Noem’s office said that the contract was signed without her knowledge… and that the group needed to meet all the contract terms, like providing quarterly reports. The state does not support the group’s radical ideas, which can harm young people. 

Moreover, the state government should not participate in such harmful activities. However, the Transformation Project’s director said the contract cancellation was discriminatory.

Brendan Johnson is an attorney representing the group. He said that canceling the contract was “unconstitutional and unlawful.” Noem’s office has not yet commented on the lawsuit. 

“Even our state government is not above the rule of law. We stand with the Transformation Project in this important constitutional challenge,” Johnson said.

South Dakota needs to reject divisive ideologies that can hurt young people. The state must continue to take steps to resist such harmful efforts in the future.

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One Thought to “South Dakota Signs “Help Not Harm” Bill, Restricting Gender-Affirming Care for Minors”

  1. […] Biden administration has made two significant policy changes on gender identity. This […]

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